Individual Therapy
Doing things because they are expected…
Our family, our environment, and society tell us how we should think, act and feel. Because we are taught “the right things to do,” we often do what is expected of us, instead of questioning or challenging what we are told.
Because of how we are defined (and we just accept it), we often pay a high price for self-esteem and self-worth. When our mind, body, and spirit are compromised, our worth, value and qualities are compromised.
At times the damage can be not only detrimental to our well-being, but our behavior destructive to those that we meet. When decisions are made from what’s expected, we run the risk of settling for less than our worth to “fit in,” be accepted, or loved, and allow those fears to define who we are – instead of whom we are called to be.
By compromising our worth, we justify the feelings and fear of inadequacy – I’m not pretty enough, good enough, strong enough, smart enough, etc.
We attract who we are.
When mind, body and spirit are out of balance, it creates internal and external conflicts. When we compromise and go against what we have been called to be, the internal conflict begins.
We often choose significant others, friends, and acquaintances that justify how we feel about ourselves. We choose those that can validate and often justify our internal and external conflict.
The internal conflict can cause depression, anxiety, self-doubt, hate, guilt, shame, disrespect of our self and others, aggression, feelings of unworthiness, feeling unloved and going to extremes to feel loved, and a host of other mental turmoil.
Once the internal conflict begins, we must define our behavior with external explanations. The external explanations can be a willingness to compromise our value and morals. We accept abuse (emotional, physical and sexual), promiscuity, withdrawal, isolation, compromise of oneself, settling, disrespect, drug abuse and a host of other thoughts and behaviors that affect the very core of our being.
The internal and external conflicts create a vicious cycle that exacerbates our condition and behavior. We begin to create baggage and carry it around subconsciously. It is impossible to validate worth or to recognize worth when you don’t know your worth.
A partnership for building tools
Individual therapy is a partnership between a therapist and the person in therapy.
Individuals gain insight and build tools to face challenges related to anxiety, depression, relationship issues, trauma, self-esteem, life transitions, grief and loss, family issues, and specific life stressors.
Common goals of therapy can be to inspire change or improve quality of life. People may seek therapy for help with issues that are hard to face alone. Individual therapy is also called therapy, psychotherapy, psychosocial therapy, talk therapy, and counseling.
Therapy can help you overcome obstacles to your well-being. It can increase positive feelings, such as compassion and self-esteem. In therapy, you can learn skills for handling difficult situations, making healthy decisions, and reaching goals.
I combine practical, intuitive, creative, concepts, treatment protocols and tools to achieve positive results.
I can conduct comprehensive evaluations and assessments of your environment, values, leadership, culture, and communication practices.
We will clarify your vision as well as set priorities and goals to create and implement a defined plan of action.
We will work through individual therapy as a collaboration to identifying obstacles, objectives and solutions to achieve.
I will provide you with feedback and follow-up to assist ensuring that your objectives are met and implemented as defined.
Now is the time to begin a change…
Call (703) 672-0393 or complete the contact form below.